• Question: what happens if there is no egg in the womans body and a sperm cell is injected into her

    Asked by charliehoward to Clare, Mariana, Pedro, Robert, Susanne on 15 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Robert Insall

      Robert Insall answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Falls out again (not a joke)

    • Photo: Susanne Muekusch

      Susanne Muekusch answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      I like your question!
      Just a sperm cell is doing nothing. No egg for the sperm cell, no baby. I, too, would think the sperm cell will come out again.
      What did you think could happen? How did you come up with this question?

    • Photo: Clare Taylor

      Clare Taylor answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Sperm usually swim towards the egg because they are attracted by chemicals produced by the egg – a process called chemotaxis, where something swims towards the chemical signal . If there was no egg, there would be no chemical attractant and the sperm wouldn’t know where to go! So they may indeed just fall out again!

    • Photo: Mariana Campos

      Mariana Campos answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Never thought about it! But it looks like we have all a common answer: the sperm falls out because doesn’t know where to go.
