• Question: If you get brain cancer, will it affect your memory and movement?

    Asked by griffmeg11 to Clare, Mariana, Pedro, Robert, Susanne on 12 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Susanne Muekusch

      Susanne Muekusch answered on 12 Nov 2012:

      Hi griffmeg11,
      It depends on where the tumor is located in the brain. Most of the brain tumors are only diagnosed because people have neurological symptoms. That means, the part of the brain where the tumor is located, is impaired in its function. Those symptoms can be problems with your vision or movements (that one I know for sure) and I would think that it can also interfere with memory function. Although “memory” is a complex brain function and not restricted to certain areas of the brain. In contrast, we know that certain areas of the brain are responsible for certain bodily functions.

    • Photo: Clare Taylor

      Clare Taylor answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      Another really good answer from Susanne! And it’s a really good point that loss of function like memory is often the first sign that something might be wrong. This is where MRI scans are really useful because they can give a functional picture of the brain and what is going on. Patients often also undergo a neurological assessment to see if other functions are affected such as vision, hearing, strength, sensation, balance, coordination, reflexes and ability to think as well as memory. So it all depends on where a tumour is located as to the effects on the patient.

    • Photo: Mariana Campos

      Mariana Campos answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Great answers from Susanne and Clare. It depends on the area of the brain where the tumour is.

    • Photo: Robert Insall

      Robert Insall answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Yes, eventually. Either it kills the good brain cells, or it makes a lump that puts pressure on the inside of your head.

      Brain cancer is terribly hard to treat – you can’t go whaling into someone’s brain and cut bits out, can you – but there are some promising new drugs being tested right now.
